Get the FREE Budget Meeting Worksheet now!
… because to get on the same page, you really need to have the money talk with your family.

Hey there I’m Jess,
wife to a wonderful man, and mama of three amazing human beings, and two cats. My frugal lifestyle, and my passion to save money, while living a good, and fulfilled life on a budget are the inspiration behind this blog. I am very happy, and honored to have you here!
Most of my life my finances were a complete disaster.
I grew up in a very loving but budget-less home. It took years of overdrafts, late fees, and struggles for me to finally say ‘enough is enough’. With major mindset adjustments, a hard and honest look at our finances, and a lot of work, my family and I started to live within (and sometimes below) our means and started seeing amazing results.

How can I help?
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