In the Money category you will find help with creating a budget that works, along with other personal finance info and tips to help you organize your family’s finances better, and learn how to save, and stretch your financial resources. You might also find resources for finding ways to supplement your income, and every other thing money related.
We all know that life can get pretty complicated. As we grow, it becomes even more imperative that we learn how to function, and manage…
Best ways to use your stimulus check Over the past two weeks, we have all been bombarded with information about the new Stimulus bill passed…
How to navigate thru life during the quarantine It is a fact that all of our lives have been upended by the international emergency that…
Things to stockpile for emergencies As of less than an hour ago (of the day I’m writing this), the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially…
Is Amazon Prime worth it? Many years ago I had absolutely no idea what Amazon Prime was. I had heard of Amazon, of course. But…
Fun things to do in the summer that are free or cheap Finding fun things to do in the summer that are free or cheap…
Things you need in your home first aid kit Without a doubt, a home first aid kit is a must have for all households. Whether…
Things to do on the Fourth of July that are free or cheap Fourth of July is indeed a very special occasion in the United…
The Importance of Having a Budget I lived the majority of my adult life without a budget. What’s worse, growing up, my Mom didn’t have…