The Exceptionally Ordinary Life

Things to do on Easter Sunday

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 6 Free Or Inexpensive Things To Do On Easter Sunday

With Easter weekend fast approaching, most parents are scrambling for things to do on Easter Sunday. Myself included.

While many will just settle on buying one of those ready made baskets from the store, there are many other things to do that involve very little to no money spending at all. Holidays can be special treats. Even without buying into the marketing propaganda that comes at us at every single turn.

If you think that it is impossible to make Easter Sunday special on a budget, take a look at this list of ideas I’ve put together for you.

6 Free Or Inexpensive Things To Do On Easter Sunday

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1. Special breakfast

Things to do on Easter Sunday

Making a big breakfast every Sunday is something my family does all the time. Every single Sunday, my husband gets up very early (he just doesn’t know how to sleep in haha) and makes eggs, toast or English muffins, cuts up and seasons some potatoes, and our choice of meat for the day, which could be either bacon or sausages. Of course, this means that in order to make it extra special, my husband and I would have to up our game.

To do that, we would have to make both bacon AND sausages, hash browns, mix in some ham and green and red peppers into the scrambled eggs, toast, English muffins, and our girls’ all-time favourite: pancakes!

If your family is used to a much simpler breakfast set up, just adding a bit of everything you can put together should do the trick. Try making tons of different foods to please everyone. But only make a bit of each so there is no food waste. Then serve it on different plates on the kitchen counter, buffet style. Wake up the munchkins and invite them to fill their plates with whatever they feel like eating.

Once everyone’s plate is ready, sit around the dinning room table. Enjoy a nice, fun meal, while you decide what to do the rest of the day. This is also an excellent opportunity for a relaxed conversation.

2. Egg hunt

Things to do on Easter Sunday

This is by far, one of my favorites! An egg hunt is an excellent chance to get outside and entertain the kids for hours at a time. Most towns/cities have a ton of activities put together for the community. The only thing you have to do is do some research.

Some of the local egg hunts I see advertised in my town are held by churches. Even if you are not religious or just don’t attend/frequent any church, Easter egg hunts are usually open for the public. And in the majority of the cases you won’t even have to deal with any religious propaganda thrown at you, if that is what is holding you back.

You could also check your local mall’s website. We do not go to the mall frequently but I have found that they offer a ton of activities geared towards kids and families for those special holidays, like Halloween, Easter, Christmas, etc. Some of the fun activities offered include face painting, coloring, free Easter bunny picture and other small, easy crafts.

Other alternatives

If you prefer to avoid the mall, church or any of your local public parks, then you can totally have an egg hunt at home! Dollar Tree sells the plastic eggs, which you can then fill with candy and/or clues to find the next one and so on.

If you choose to only include clues, then maybe buy a small chocolate bunny and make it the prize for finding all the clues leading up to it. I have done something similar myself and it is always a hit. Kids do love running around looking for clues 😉

Note that you do not need a huge backyard or even any backyard to do this. I even did an egg hunt while living in an apartment a few years ago. You can hide those plastic eggs anywhere, from drawers, to the fridge, behind books or even under the pillows. The kicker is to get creative and make sure you hide the clues scattered all over the place.

3. Crafts

Things to do on Easter Sunday

This is also another favorite of mine. If you are artistic or creative at all, then you know that pretty much anything can be used for crafts. The beauty of it is, if you look hard enough around your home, you are sure to find tons of materials for your crafts. Some examples of things you can use are:

  • empty egg cartons
  • buttons
  • felt
  • plain paper
  • construction paper
  • glue
  • coloring pencils, crayons or markers
  • empty plastic jars or containers
  • old clothes or bed sheets to use as fabric scraps
  • flowers
  • scissors
  • glitter

And so much more! Really, anything can be used for crafts. If like me, you always need a tad of inspiration, then go ahead and do a search on Pinterest. Being the visual platform extraordinaire that it is, Pinterest is your best bet when searching for simple, inexpensive ideas for a craft day with the kids. I have put together an All Things Easter board on The Exceptionally Ordinary Life’s Pinterest account, in case you want to check it out!

(Like what you see? Then make sure to follow all my boards on The Exceptionally Ordinary Life’s profile.)

If you find any great ideas but do not have everything you need, then Dollar Tree is an excellent option for materials. As the name of the store suggests, everything there is $1 (Yes, they are the real deal when it comes to dollar stores!) Dollar Tree has a huge variety of products, from food to school supplies, toys, party favors, cleaning products and more. They even sell books for $1!

4. Baking

Things to do on Easter Sunday

I don’t know about yours, but my kids love to bake. Well, they love homemade baked goods ;).

If your kids like cake, cupcakes, cookies or any other sweet treat, then Easter is an excellent chance to spend the day in the kitchen whipping up some yummy stuff. And it doesn’t have to be anything difficult or expensive.

If you feel like homemade stuff is just too much work, then try going for one of those ready mix packages. All you have to do to make it “Easter-themed” is use pastel coloured frosting and Voila! You have made an amazing Easter treat.

Dollar Tree carries cake mixes, frosting and even the baking pans you need. That’s where I usually get mine. For a $1 a piece, you really can’t go wrong. Oh the fun you’ll have! I love keeping my kids entertained AND get some sweet yumminess out of it.

And the best part is, you don’t even have to leave the house at all! (Other than to buy the ingredients you don’t already have, that is)

5. Movie day/night

Things to do on Easter Sunday

Does your family enjoy watching movies together? Is the weather less than ideal for outdoor activities? Easter Sunday can be a great opportunity to sit down as a family and enjoy some of everyone’s favourites. Or maybe get out of your comfort zone and go for that one movie you have been meaning to watch. Just remember to keep it family-friendly if you have little ones.

Make some popcorn and hop onto Netflix, Hulu or even Redbox. Redbox would actually require you to leave the comfort of your home, though.

If you are an Amazon Prime customer, check out their large selection of titles for all tastes and ages. Most people know that Amazon Prime offers free 2-day shipping to their customers. But Amazon Prime is so much more!

The membership also includes:

Prime Video: Unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV episodes

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Not sure if Amazon Prime is right for you?  Try Amazon Prime for 30 days Free

OK, moving on.

If you have more than one kid, then let each one select one movie. To ensure that everyone hangs out together, make it clear from the start that everybody has to stay to watch other people’s pick. To pick who’s movie gets watched first, you can go by age, raffle the spots or maybe even make it a game where whomever finishes their part of kitchen clean up first, gets dibs.

6. Board game marathon

Things to do on Easter Sunday

Most families own a wide variety of board games but sadly, those games do nothing but collect dust in a closet . In an era where technology has taken over our lives, most resort to playing on their video games consoles, or worse, playing by themselves on their phones or tablets.

This Easter, take those games out of the closet and dust them a bit for some simple, family friendly entertaining. There are many games that can be played by 4+ people but if the games you want to play are for 2 players, then make it a tournament, where those who win the first and second game play against each other. Or better yet, play in pairs/teams for some added fun.

If your kids are at least of toddler age, there are some really fun games that the whole family can play. Here is a list of some of our favorites:

Now that our youngest is 7, we have a wider range of options to choose from. Our all-time family favourites are:

Board games provide an amazing chance for some much needed bonding time. Even though is not a requirement, you could make it a rule for all family members to turn off their phones and keep the TV off while you play. You’d be amazed at how much fun you have with those who matter the most.

*Check out my Best Board Games for Family Game Night post here!


Make sure you visit your local Target the Monday after Easter. Actually, you should do this for the following few days. I have made it a habit to do this for many years now and it has paid off.

What happens is, stores start to slowly but surely offering some % off those seasonal items they have left. I use this opportunity to re-stock our candy drawer. And to purchase nonperishable items for later use.

Most stores have this kind of clearance event after every holiday. However, I have found Target to have the best, biggest selection and better discounts than anyone around.

Some of the items I have found at a deep discount are egg coloring kits, egg decoration kits, plushies, small basket fillers, and even Barbies, puzzles and other toys. The beauty of it is, some items don’t even look like they are Easter-themed, so I use the opportunity to get some Christmas stocking fillers and even some toys for my gift closet

6 Free Or Inexpensive Things To Do On Easter Sunday

All these ideas come from personal experience. I know that money can be pretty tight sometimes, and when you have multiple kids, holidays can become a financial nightmare. Plus, after a certain age, they truly don’t care about a basket. Well, mine don’t care about the basket, but they certainly love their candy, which is why I always have a little something for each, as a small treat.

This year, in the spirit of staying within the small budget I have set up, I’ll be stopping by my Dollar Tree to grab a bag of Kisses or something similar for each kid. I am getting some extras to put inside the eggs (along with some clues) for the egg hunt we are having at their Grandparent’s house. It really is about the little things.

Now tell me, what will you be doing on Easter Sunday? Any big plans? Or, is your family like mine, and prefer a low key day together? Please, share with us in the comment section below. Inquiring minds want to know 🙂

Things to do on Easter Sunday




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