The Exceptionally Ordinary Life

Canned corned beef recipe

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Canned Corned Beef Recipe Puerto Rican Style- a quick dinner idea

There is nothing more annoying than forgetting to pull the meat out of the freezer in the morning (or the day before). OK, maybe having to actually cook dinner is even more annoying ha ha. But if you’re not a kitchen hater, then you might be on the clear there.

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Sometimes though, even the cooking fanatics can totally forget to do the most important thing: make sure the meat is ready to be cooked. I meal plan, so most of the time I am quite good at pulling the meat out and making sure I have all the necessary ingredients to cook a meal. Other times though, I am on the run and by the time I realize it, it’s 2-3 pm and my dinner plans are completely ruined.

What to do, what to do?

Well, it is with those days in mind that canned food was invented. Not to make them our every day meal, but to get us out of those tight spots. Many people would be concerned about feeding their families unhealthy, processed foods, which is completely understandable.

But I tell you, a home cooked meal, even a canned one, beats fast food any day. Not only on the healthy side of things, but also on your wallet.

We prefer to make most of our meals from scratch here but I always keep a few things in my pantry for emergencies. And as luck would have it, my family loves those meals just as much. Today, I’d like to share one such meal.

First though, a slightly funny story about the first time my now husband and I went grocery shopping together.

We were at the grocery store when I told him I needed to get some corned beef. What were the chances of us going in completely different directions at the store? As it stands, there was a 100% chance.

As I start to veer to the left, he starts going in the opposite direction, and the following conversation ensues:

Me: "Where are you going?"

Him: "To get the corned beef. You said you wanted corned beef, right?"

Me: "Hmmm yes, but it is this way."

Him: "No, the meat is this way, honey."

Me: (Giggling a bit and dragging him with me) "Yeah, I know the meat is that way. 
But the corned beef I am talking about is canned."

Him: "No way. Canned meat???"

Me: "Yes, trust me. It is truly delicious if you know how to cook it. You'll love it!"

Him: (Slightly dubious, baffled and rather reluctantly, followed me)

The concept of canned meat can be a bit weird, off putting and even gross for many. Truth is, IF you know how to cook it and season it, it could turn into a delicious meal that your whole family will love. I know my family does and ask for it often.

And the best part is, it’s simple, quick, and doesn’t require mad kitchen skills! Want to learn how to make canned corned beef? Keep reading then 😉

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Canned Corned Beef Recipe

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Canned corned beef recipe


  • 1-2 cans of corned beef (We are a family of 5 who love our corned beef, so I make 2 cans.  However, if you’re not sure how this is going to turn out, then try making one can to test it.)
  • 2 pkts of Sazón
  • 2 tbsp of sofrito (You can get it at any Walmart, at you local small Latino grocery store, get it here, or make your own-Please make your own!)
  • 1 1/2-2 tbsp of tomato paste
  • Adobo or any All-purpose seasoning (either works). I guess-timate this but I’d say about 1.5 tbsp or to taste.


  • First, in a small-medium sized pan add the paste, sofrito, Sazón pks and Adobo or All purpose seasoning.
  • Add water. I guess-timate this to fill pan to about half or so.
  • Turn on the burner on Hi.
  • Let it warm up.
  • When it boils, add the can (or cans) of corned beef.
  • Using a wooden spoon, break the meat down. This canned meat comes all pressed in the can so chances are it’ll look like a huge block of meat at first.
  • Once it is all ground, turn the heat down to medium low.
  • Let it cook like that for a bit. Probably about 10-15 minutes.
  • Stir occasionally to make sure it doesn’t stick to the pan.
  • When it’s ready, serve over white rice and with squared fries on the side. Better yet, mix it all up and enjoy!

Here is what mine looks like. It’s not only super duper easy to cook, but also delish! We always make homemade fries and add them to the corned beef once is served. That way, the fries don’t get soggy and gross, but stay crunchy and crispy instead. We cut the potatoes in squares instead of long, because it’s way easier to pick them up and eat them (try to stuff a long fry in your mouth, along with the rice, and corned beef… it’s hard! haha)

If you prefer to skip the fries, by all means go right ahead. I know of some people who prefer to add some corn to it, but I have never had it that way. And yes, I do make this for St. Patrick’s Day. But I actually cook it year round as well 😉

Do you have any go-to quick meals? Please, share with us in the comments and inspire others!

Canned Corned Beef recipe: Puerto Rican Style

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Easy canned corned beef recipe Puerto Rico style

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